About us

The Lea Sandford School of Dancing offers classes to boys and girls from age 3 years to young adults in Royal Academy of Dance – Ballet and Lyrical dance.. We have a family orientated community in our dance school which encourages our students and celebrates their successes.
The Principal Lea Sandford has over 40 years teaching experience, starting when 15 years old teaching a group of students for their RAD examinations, then the following year teaching for her own teacher, the Late Tess Graham.
Lea is an experienced teacher and has a successful track record in the development of students achieving success in their RAD examinations in both Ballet and Lyrical dancing. Our students have the opportunity to take part during the year in examinations, competitions and concerts
Living on the Hibiscus Coast of Auckland the expectations by parents of their children to be high achievers is crucial in both fields of the Arts and of Sports.
During her time dancing she took part in many stage productions in Whangarei, Wellington and Wanganui.
Now Lea produces shows for her dance school and Medal Test days for her students.Lea’s passion is for Ballet and she has successfully teaches her students to achieve the highest standard
She also has a passion for travel, interior design, landscaping and an innate skill of bringing out the best in the people she works with.
Lea attended the Royal Academy of Dance training for the Silver Swans®adult programme and is now one of 200 odd ballet teachers from around the globe to be granted a licence to conduct the Silver Swans® adult Ballet classes. Lea is a life member of the Royal Academy of Dance.

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